All Therapy Centre - Natural Health in Kerry

Welcome to All Therapy Centre located in Tralee town, County Kerry. This Natural Health Centre specialises in Nutrition & Detox, featuring a wide range of fully qualified Therapists in all fields of Natural Medicine, Healing and Counselling.

For further information, handouts, diet sheets and alternative recipes, why not visit us at: All Therapy Centre, 21 Rock Street, Tralee.

For therapists we have a wide variety of fully equipped rooms available to rent with rates from one hour to one day, short or long term.

Contact us on 066 718 5229 or by email at

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Energy Healing

Energy Healing is a broad term for any therapy that stimulates the energy flow in or around the human body to restore balance on all levels, thereby enabling the physical body to heal itself. Basically clearing blocks and interferences from the biofield.

There are many factors that can degrade our biofield (body) including toxic and lifeless foods, environmental toxins, EMR, parasites, chronic viral infections, surgery, vaccinations, emotional trauma, misguided energies, and negative thought patterns are just some of those factors. Negative emotions, experiences, and patterns of thought in particular all contribute to disrupting our energy flow much more than we realise. Negative patterns of energy passed from one generation to another are also common. In some healing sessions the therapist can go back many generations to release a particular energy pattern for a client.

Some of the more well know therapies that could fall under the heading of “energy healing” include Reiki, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Pranic healing, and more.  There are in fact hundreds of defined modalities. Energy healing also encompasses lesser known natural therapies such as: Aura and Chakra balancing, Crystal Healing, Colour Therapy and Spiritual Healing, among others. They all have their place. The knowledge of energy healing has been used for centuries and there is plenty of evidence to show that energy balance creates an environment for our body to self-heal.

We are all made up of light energy, as is everything around us.

It is the most basic building block of life, but like the air we breathe we usually can’t see it. Energy flows through everything and creates everything. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy. It’s just a difference in the resonance that gives us the illusion of substance. Part of the true magic of Energy Healing is that it can be transferred to anyone, anywhere in the world, with very positive results.

The energy systems of the body (aura, chakras, nadis and meridians) are connected energetically to our physical organs, glands and bodily systems. When the energy supplied to these bodily systems is disrupted, the body organs and systems are less able to defend against disease and injury. Our immunity drops across many different levels. In this same way, the health of our energy systems or biofield also determines our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If our energy systems are disrupted or blocked we are less able to cope, we feel stressed, which in turn has a negative impact on our physical being. Over a prolonged period this leads to ill health. If our biofield is clear and balanced, we will be in a better position to deal with situations and circumstances that might otherwise be perceived as stressful. Energy healing facilitates a harmonising process by clearing blocks in the biofield, repairing and re-balancing the energy patterns. The body can then move to heal itself. By working with the energy systems one can access all levels of our existence to induce multi-dimensional healing.

All Therapy Centre have several fully qualified Therapists working in this field.

  • Martina Aylmer 0872835211-    Integrated Energy Therapist
  • Olivia Dunne. 0879806477   –     Reiki Healer
  • Caroline Malone  –    Energy healer – Licensed Acupuncturist  – Chakra Balancing  –  Hopi Candling.
  • Remote and distant Healing.
  •  For more information contact Caroline at 0874196244  –  e-mail: